This endpoint is used for creating a new answer for Mobile Channel Survey

    "response": "Great product with awesome quality and quick delivery.",
    "identity": "123",
    "identity_type": "custom",
    "first_name": "Maxine",
    "last_name": "Jacobs"

Response attributes

answerobjectAnswer information data.
answer.idstringAnswer identifier.
answer.score_typestringScore type for the answer.
answer.scorenumberActual score for the answer.
answer.sentimentnumberOverall sentiment of the answer.
answer.sentiment_per_label_nameobjectSentiment of the specific label.
answer.namestringName of survey recipient who submitted the answer.
answer.recipient_idstringID of a recipient who submitted the answer.
answer.property_idsarrayArray of property identifiers for the answer.
answer.labelsarrayList of labels for the answer.
answer.labels_with_keywordsobjectLabel names with keywords.
answer.inserted_atdateDate when an answer has been submitted.
answer.emailstringEmail of survey recipient who submitted the answer. Deprecated
answer.identitystringIdentity of survey recipient who submitted the answer.
answer.identity_typestringIdentity type of survey recipient who submitted the answer. One of: email, custom
answer.commentstringAnswer comment of survey recipient who submitted the answer.
answer.translated_commentstringTranslated comment.
answer.additional_questionsobjectAdditional answers - questions with answers.
answer.surveyobjectSurvey information
answer.survey.additional_questionsobjectAdditional questions - for newly created answer.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!