This endpoint is used for fetching basic survey data and NPS scores.

  "date_shortcut": "all_time"

Response attributes

survey_groupobjectSurvey group information data.
survey_group.namestringSurvey group title.
survey_group.public_hash_idstringSurvey group public hash id used to identify survey group.
survey_group.promotersobjectSummary data about promoters from survey group answers.
survey.promoters.percentagenumberPercentage of answers that were promoters.
survey_group.promoters.deltanumberPromoters delta - describing the +/- change for the similar period we measure against.
survey_group.passivesobjectSummary data about passives from survey group answers.
survey_group.passives.percentagenumberPercentage of answers that were passives.
survey_group.passives.deltanumberPassives delta - describing the +/- change for the similar period we measure against.
survey_group.number_of_responsesnumberNumber of answers.
survey_group.npsobjectSummary data about NPS from survey group answers.
survey_group.nps.percentagenumberThe NPS score.
survey_group.nps.deltanumberNPS delta - describing the +/- change for the similar period we measure against.
survey_group.inserted_atdateSurvey group creation date.
survey_group.detractorsobjectSummary data about detractors from survey group answers.
survey_group.detractors.percentagenumberPercentage of answers that were detractors.
survey_group.detractors.deltanumberDetractors delta - describing the +/- change for the similar period we measure against.
survey_group.surveysobjectSurveys information data.
survey_groups.surveys.titlestringSurvey title.
survey_groups.surveys.statusstringSurvey status. One of: draft, active.
survey_groups.surveys.public_hash_idstringSurvey public hash id used to identify survey.
survey_groups.surveys.inserted_atdateSurvey creation date.
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