This endpoint is used for fetching survey answers along with basic survey data and aggregated NPS scores.
"date_shortcut": "all_time",
"comment_content": "great",
"order_by": "rating",
"order_type": "asc",
"with_comments": true,
"answer_type": "promoters",
"properties" : {"color" : "RkJrQllReklDTmk0cmRtTUVMUGw2SWJKUStHTk1lZG5WMFppSUIzdmxvOD0=,czhlUW5yZXdNR0t5eW16T3A5OWx3RXJnV2FNaDNEc0J1K2FMdGFUSVRwMD0=",
"country" : "Yzg4TDJwVnNtNDM2Nm1Ca2hpdjMrUmdBODN4Z1Blb053cFB3eFo4MmR4dz0="},
"page": 1
Response attributes
Attribute | Type | Description |
survey | object | Survey information data. |
survey.title | string | Survey title. |
survey.status | string | Survey status. One of: draft , active |
survey.response_rate | string | Survey response rate (all time) - only for "our email" channel. |
survey.public_hash_id | string | Survey public hash id used to identify survey. |
survey.promoters | object | Summary data about promoters from survey answers. |
survey.promoters.percentage | number | Percentage of answers that were promoters. | | number | Promoters delta - describing the +/- change since the previous period. |
survey.passives | object | Summary data about passives from survey answers. |
survey.passives.percentage | number | Percentage of answers that were passives. | | number | Passives delta - describing the +/- change since the previous period. |
survey.number_of_responses | number | Number of answers. |
survey.nps | object | Summary data about NPS from survey answers. |
survey.nps.percentage | number | The NPS score. | | number | NPS delta - describing the +/- change since the previous period. |
survey.inserted_at | date | Survey creation date. |
survey.detractors | object | Summary data about detractors from survey answers. |
survey.detractors.percentage | number | Percentage of answers that were detractors. | | number | Detractors delta - describing the +/- change since the previous period. |
properties | array | List of properties for the survey answers. | | string | Property name. |
properties.value | string | Property value. | | number | Property Id. |
meta | object | Result metadata. | | number | Number of answers. |
meta.survey_has_answers | boolean | Flag if survey has answers. |
meta.per_page | number | Number of answers per page. | | number | Current results page. |
answers | array | Survey answer. | | string | Answer identifier. |
answers.score_type | string | Score type for the answer. |
answers.score | number | Actual score for the answer. | | string | Name of survey recipient who submitted the answer. |
answers.recipient_id | string | ID of a recipient who submitted the answer. |
answers.property_ids | array | Array of property identifiers for the answer. |
answers.metatags | object | List of metatags for the answer. |
answers.labels | array | List of labels for the answer. |
answers.inserted_at | date | Date when an answer has been submitted. | | string | Email of survey recipient who submitted the answer. Deprecated |
answers.identity | string | Identity of survey recipient who submitted the answer. |
answers.identity_type | string | Identity type of survey recipient who submitted the answer. One of: email , custom |
answers.comment | string | Answer comment of survey recipient who submitted the answer. |