The zenloop API is organized around REST

You can currently use our API to perform two main sets of tasks:

  1. Sending out a survey using "our email" channel (including adding recipients, properties and metatags)
  2. Getting data about a survey or surveys (including getting answers and scores)

Our API can be found at

Getting started

A quick guide to getting your API setup, and testing to make sure recipients are being successfully added

  1. Contact with Zenloop informing us about new plugin you want to develop.
  2. Once your application is approved you will receive first part of the api_key that has to be added to every request.
  3. api_key should contain your application unique identifier provided by Zenloop and second part which is a string that should be possible to set by the user of the plugin in Settings of your plugin. These two parts should be concatenated with dot. For example: plugin_identifier.key_from_settings
  4. Pick the survey you want to use the API for, or create a new survey to test. Don’t launch the survey (or pause it so that the status is draft or off). This will prevent the survey sending out emails (it will stockpile them)
  5. Add recipients using API or use our Bulk API upload
    Optional: use these endpoint to add properties or metatags
  6. You can check if the recipients were successfully added in the web interface, under the recipients step for that survey