Getting started

Mobile apps are a cornerstone of many businesses. Therefore it is advisable to check your customers' satisfaction level in that channel. As App Store or Google Play reflect only opinion about the application and reviews there are single-time expressions of satisfaction level, it is useful to introduce Zenloop surveys to your mobile app.

With mobile channel surveys you can:

  • Measure CX on a recurrent basis
  • Gather additional information with follow-up questions
  • Use a smart labelling system to automate highlighting of issues
  • Use automated sentiment detection
  • Apply reporting, benchmarks, check trends and drivers

To set up a survey on Zenloop platform you can use survey creator, as for any other surveys, but the design and development of mobile app code is on you to be consistent with the rest of your application.

Therefore, the look of the survey we present in survey creator is just an example of how it can work. To use this channel you need your mobile app development team to code this part by themselves, using our API to upload survey results to our platform. Additional questions can also be forwarded this way.
More information about creating answers via API can be found here.

As an alternative, you could also choose to use an HTML snippet that was presented as an example. It also allows some customization. The mobile app channel takes a similar survey set-up approach to our website embedded channel, so if you've worked with that survey channel, this should feel familiar!
If you choose to go with HTML snippet setting up the mobile channel survey is a quick 3 step process:

  1. Create and customize your survey through our web interface
  2. On the implement step, we will generate a custom code snippet for you to use
  3. Use this snippet as a starting point for customizing it to suit your needs. Either copy and paste or email this snippet to your developer who will then add it to the mobile app codebase.


You can embed the html snippet within a web container or in any other native equivalent of web container.

Another option is using the snippet as a base for creating a native equivalent solution within a given mobile platform.


Identity Protection

While creating and customizing the survey, we strongly recommend that you enable "Force identity protection" and send identities along with your survey results. This ensures that you don't get anonymous responses.


Additional customization

We would also like to add that the code snippet for the mobile channel is only illustrative, and we suggest that you customize the code snippet to include branding elements to suit your needs.

As part of step 3, you can customize the CSS to fit your needs (for examples, see Customizing design and implementation, but our support in these cases if the implementation breaks will be limited). Please contact our customer success team for guidance.